Atriplex muelleri

Benth. (1870)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-CoreEudicot Order: Caryophyllales Family: Amaranthaceae Genus: Atriplex


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Spreading to erect herb branching from base, to 30 cm high.



Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate. Blades broadly obovoid. Apex rounded. Base cuneate and passing into petiole ½ length of lamina, in all 15–30 mm long. Upper surfaces glabrescent; lower surfaces scaly; blades thin. Margins undulate to sinuately lobed.

Flowers: Flowers small, clustered, the clusters axillary. Male flowers clustered in terminal axils, without bracts or bracteoles, perianth deeply 5-lobed. Stamens 5, filaments linear; pistillode minute or absent.. Female flowers in scattered axillary clusters; perianth absent and replaced by a pair of bracteoles which enlarge and cover the fruit; staminodes absent; stigmas 2, slender.

Fruit: Fruiting bracteoles sessile or almost so; bluntly deltoid to circular; swollen; hard; smooth; c. 3 mm long and wide at apex; connate except at the rounded apex; valves herbaceous; forming a narrow denticulate margin around apex of bracteole; appendages absent. Seeds circular; radicle lateral; erect.



Elevation Range:

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


  • Yes

Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

O'ahu Naturalized
Maui Potentially Naturalizing

Dispersal Agents




Name Published In: Fl. Austral. 5: 175 (1870)

Other References

Imada & Kennedy 2020:70 (NEWNAT/O, M, DESCR, KEY)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Atriplex muelleri Benth. Pouhala Marsh, Waipahu Above water mark and salt line in drier red soil. Full sun. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Crago, L.M. 2005-027 Oahu BISH 1/24/2005
2 Atriplex muelleri Benth. Wheeler Army Airfield. Enter via Lyman Gate, turn right when able and wrap around until parallel with Kunia Road; drive between buildings and fence/hwy; go through chain gate; just past is a dirt pile. Soil pile contained several plants not frequently found on Wheeler Base. No canopy directly above. Other taxa in area include Spathodea campanulata, Leucaena leucocephala, Macaranga tanarius, Aleurites moluccana, Ficus spp. Understory: various grasses and herbs, mowed into a lawn: Urochloa maxima, Boerhavia coccinea, Chloris barbata, C. gayana. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Beachy, J. USARMY 461 Oahu BISH 2/13/2017
3 Atriplex muelleri Benth. wheeler army airfield, enter via lyman gate, turn right when able and wrap around until parallel with kunia road, drive betwen building and fence/hwy, go through chain gate, just past is a dirt pile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. beachy & j. gustine 461 Oahu F 2/13/2017
4 Atriplex muelleri Benth. orchard PRESERVED_SPECIMEN IND
5 Atriplex muelleri Benth. Kanaha, in sand on beach E of treatment plant and west of drainage Naturalized small shrub, patchy in this area. Associated vegetation: Chenopodium oahuense, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Cocos nucifera, Tournefortia argentea, Chenopodium murale. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Starr, F. 000325-1 Maui BISH 3/25/2000
6 Atriplex muelleri Benth. Upper Makakilo, adjacent to developed subdivision at end of Pueonani Street Curbside in dry habitat with assorted herbaceous weeds:, Atriplex semibaccata, Tridax procumbens, Melinis repens, Chamaecrista nictitans, Chloris barbata, Emilia fosbergii, Indigofera hendecaphylla. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Imada, C.T. 2004-25 Oahu BISH 3/9/2004
7 Atriplex muelleri Benth. waialua, oahu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o.; degener, i. 24712 YPM 3/1/1958
8 Atriplex muelleri Benth. Wheeler Army Airfield, enter via Lyman Gate, turn right when able and wrap around until parallel with Kunia Road, drive betwen building and fence/hwy, go through chain gate, just past is a dirt pile Soil pile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Beachy, J.; Gustine, J. 461 Oahu US 2/13/2017